So Knysna is a very cute town and all that, but they have the BEST farmer's market I've ever seen. The food there was amazing! Nothing like I've seen in the states. Everything is organic, homemade, and all the meat is free range. It's only open from 7am-11:30am on Saturdays. My aunt is friends with the owners there. We went to each stall and tasted their foods (cheesecakes, cheese, freshly squeezed OJ, meat, etc) It was really fun. They also have a craft market right next to it that sells all things Africanish so I got all my souvies there. It's a bit like Tijuana here-you have to bargain with them. Things here are about as expensive as the states (except for this huge-ass brownie at the market I got for like $.90!) but labor is dirt cheap.

The owners of the farmer's market have the cutest farm. They built their house on their own and it looks like Alice in Wonderland's white rabbit house with the thatched roof. I thought it was so neat that they did the whole thing on their own (two women).

The other day Betti and I went to the Knysna Elephant Park. It's a small park that only specializes in the Knysna elephant because they were endangered at one point. It was neat because we got to feed and pet them. Don't you just love the baby? He was hysterical. Very curious..

There are so many animals here! We were driving along and a bunch of baboons were kickin' it in the road! I was dying to see some monkeys (well, really anything) and thought...this will work! So I started snapping some photos and wouldn't you know some started getting freakay?

I love the male's face-it cracks me up! Anyway, I also thought I'd share this sign I kept seeing to beware of snakes. I don't know about you, but that picture looks like a cobra to me. COBRAS?!? Luckily, we didn't see any. (this was after bungy jumping).
1 comment:
I absolutely love your pictures! They are way funny! Those monkeys...priceless! I would be freaking out if I saw a sign with cobra's on it...yikes!
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