Monday, December 8, 2008


Today I turned 28. I feel old. Well, not particularly old, but I guess I was hoping I would have done more with my life by now. Ever get that feeling? I pictured myself having done great things by the time I was 25 and now here I am...3 years past my deadline...wondering what the crap happened! So I have decided I will list the things that I HAVE done so far in hopes it will make me feel a little better about turning another year older.

I have climbed the Eiffel Tower in Paris and swam with sea turtles in Tahiti. I have been on an African Safari and been to a bull fight in Spain. I've been on a cruise and sky dived from a plane. I bungee jumped from the tallest bungee in the world. I have bought a house and para-sailed in Mexico. I got a degree (worthless I tell ya!) and jumped against a Velcro wall with a Velcro suit. I've been a tutor, Santa's helper, and helped build a house. I've taken a mug shot (wouldn't you like to know!) and swam with dolphins. I've celebrated New Years in Las Vegas and saw a Broadway show in New York. I've watched whales in Canada and walked through a tree. I've been psychologically analyzed (no meds=success, right?!?) and been introduced to a whole new way of thinking. I've caught a firefly, eaten escargot, and bought a car.

So here are some things that I plan to do (hopefully within the next 5 years). I want to bobsled in Switzerland and visit a concentration camp in Germany. I hope to climb through Angkor Wat and see Machu Picchu. I hope to move to another state (anywhere at this point) and try some exotic foods that I can't even describe because I don't know about them yet. I hope to get another degree and maybe my masters by then. I want to finally find a volunteer program that I love and am proud to be a part of. I think that's it. That's a lot for 5 years, so even if I do only a fraction of the things listed above, I'll feel accomplished. That's's time to start livin'.