Monday, December 8, 2008


Today I turned 28. I feel old. Well, not particularly old, but I guess I was hoping I would have done more with my life by now. Ever get that feeling? I pictured myself having done great things by the time I was 25 and now here I am...3 years past my deadline...wondering what the crap happened! So I have decided I will list the things that I HAVE done so far in hopes it will make me feel a little better about turning another year older.

I have climbed the Eiffel Tower in Paris and swam with sea turtles in Tahiti. I have been on an African Safari and been to a bull fight in Spain. I've been on a cruise and sky dived from a plane. I bungee jumped from the tallest bungee in the world. I have bought a house and para-sailed in Mexico. I got a degree (worthless I tell ya!) and jumped against a Velcro wall with a Velcro suit. I've been a tutor, Santa's helper, and helped build a house. I've taken a mug shot (wouldn't you like to know!) and swam with dolphins. I've celebrated New Years in Las Vegas and saw a Broadway show in New York. I've watched whales in Canada and walked through a tree. I've been psychologically analyzed (no meds=success, right?!?) and been introduced to a whole new way of thinking. I've caught a firefly, eaten escargot, and bought a car.

So here are some things that I plan to do (hopefully within the next 5 years). I want to bobsled in Switzerland and visit a concentration camp in Germany. I hope to climb through Angkor Wat and see Machu Picchu. I hope to move to another state (anywhere at this point) and try some exotic foods that I can't even describe because I don't know about them yet. I hope to get another degree and maybe my masters by then. I want to finally find a volunteer program that I love and am proud to be a part of. I think that's it. That's a lot for 5 years, so even if I do only a fraction of the things listed above, I'll feel accomplished. That's's time to start livin'.


Annette Jones said...

happy birthday boof you old lady just kidding sounds like you have done quite a bit and it sounds like you got a bit to do in the next five years good luck . Hope your birthday was great love you

Katie said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a great day! Well you don't look 28, that's for sure!

Camrin said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day!
I still need to look up trips to Cambodia and Germany. I will get to it I promise!
Anyhow, reading your list was great! I love that you have done so much with your life. Maybe one day I will get there. Again, Happy Belated Birthday!!! :)

Tam said...

I'd say you've had a very eventful and successful life so far. You should feel accomplished even if nothing else on your list gets done. Nice writing by the way, fun to read. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY of course!

GrandmaLori said...


The Giblin's said...

Happy Belated B-day chica!!! Hey you've had an amazing life and from what i've read you've accomplished a have an amazing husband by your side, great family & friends...I know sometimes we wish we could be doing more, but you have many more years ahead of you....

{leah} said...

Happy Brithday.

WOW I'm impressed with all that you have done. I don't think my list nearly compairs with yours. But maybe someday I'll get there {I'll have to remove the rugrats from my legs inorder to skydive...}

Shauna said...

Happy New Year 2009! Come visit my blog to enter my giveaway :)