Sunday, July 4, 2010

Boot Camp

Happy 4th of July everyone! I'm finally finished with Boot Camp and I'm in technical school at Lackland AFB for a few more weeks until I move on to another school. Boot Camp was hard! I don't care what anyone says. It wasn't the PT. It wasn't getting yelled at all the time. It was the stinkin' FEMALES. Living with 49 teenie-boppers is pure torture. I don't know how they got so dumb. Anyway, I'll post my BMT experience later when I have my photos. It experience to say the least. But I graduated with honors and as a Thunderbolt (which is just a higher level of physical training...PT).

Technical school is like military and college combined. My classes are hard though. There's a ton of info to memorize, but I'm so excited to get to my job. I can't wait to get my wings (less than 2% of the AF have them). If I don't flunk out, I should be home in October. I can't wait!

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