Monday, July 14, 2008

We're Not Pregnant 2008

Warning: This post isn't for people who get offended easily about sex

Every year my crazy friends and I celebrate the fact that we are not pregnant and do not have children younger than 2 years old. Sorry if this offends anyone...we really just got tired of going to baby showers and decided to throw ourselves a party. Instead of playing baby games like you would at a regular shower, we play games that promote safe sex. Games like guess how many condoms are in the jar, who can put the condom on the zuccini the furthest or instead of guessing what kind of candy bar is melted in the diaper, guess what is in the condom (stuff like soap, mashed potatoes, lotion, etc.)...I won this one by the way...a nice...uhm....massager? Anyway, as you can see by the photos everyone is required to wear a crown, which creates quite an inquiry by strangers. At first, they think it's a bachelorette party and then when they ask who's getting married, we explain and they end up joining in somehow, whether it be judging or just making comments. In any case, it's really fun and it's my one night a year that I let go of my inhibitions. We also did some karaoke, but not even in a drunken state would I do karaoke. My friend Vesta won Miss We're Not Pregnant 2008 (she wins a sash, bragging rights and a stroller w/ a bottle of booze). I was runner up in 2006 and since the winner got preggo, the sash was handed down to me. More pics to come.


Our Crazy Life said...

I always love to see your pictures...they are so fun! I so could not of attended this year...LOL! OOPS MY BAD!

Tami said...

OH Boof,
You are too Funny, love the blog, and you can come over and check out the house anytime your in town, or when Amanda's here you'll have to make a trip down!!

Camrin said...

What the heck BOOF! I am so excited to see that you have your blog linked to mine. I am also very excited that maybe we will be able to stay in better contact through our blogs. It's good to see that you are still living in Vegas. You and your Husband are so dang cute together!!! :)

Vyanca said...

Looks like you girls had a blast