I can't believe it's been more than a year since our last We're Not Pregnant Party! By now you know this is an annual event my friends and I have each year to celebrate that we aren't pregnant and we don't have babies (under 1 year old). It all got started when we had to go to a bunch of baby showers all right in a row and we got tired of it!
Each year, we crown a Miss We're Not Pregnant. Vesta was last year's winner and won again this year (we vote). It's very fitting because it was also a goodbye party for her. She is moving to Germany on September 1st. She has always wanted to live in a foreign county and she is finally doing it. I'm so excited for her. Her "crown" is from Germany, so we'll let the sorting hat slide.

For some reason, I was the host for this year. We had so many of the original "founders", so it was really fun. I can't believe how long I've known these guys. I feel so old!

We had it at Frankies Tiki Room which is actually a really cute place. We tried to theme it out a little bit with some tiki stuff. Everyone is required to wear a crown but by the end of the night, they are usually off. We had some very interesting games. One game was to guess what was in the brown bag (stuff like a pregnancy test, tampon, condoms, etc.). Here's Angie and Michael trying to figure it out. By the way, token gay males are welcome to attend, too.

Everyone's favorite is putting the condom on the cucumber with no hands, blindfolded. It's great for potential blackmail photos. Here's Chris helping Mindy and making fun of her...

...and Jean showing us her skills Breakfast Club style.

Another game that was pretty funny was Guess That Funky Spunk. You have to guess what substance is in the condom. It's pretty gross but it's always good for a laugh. I was suprised, I thought they'd get more right answers than they did! Jessica won that one.

We played a hilarious game where they had to sculpt...something...out of a piece of gum. I liked this one the best. I was cracking up (I was the judge).

I think this was the best one we've had so far. I had a blast!
HaHa looks like a wild group!! come on don't you want to be in the I'm up to my eyeballs in shity diapers club!! you know you want too!!
Bethany you look so good! It looks like you had a ton of fun!
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