Tuesday, October 7, 2008

10 Year High School Reunion

I can't believe I've been out of high school for 10 years! I'm so old! I was glad I went, I saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in a really long time. It was great to see everyone.

Me & MonicaNick, Steve, Blake & JaredAnnetta, Jean, Kassi & Nathan

I stole all these pics from Monica and Brooke. I was a big loser and didn't take any pictures....ahh the power of the internet. Our reunion was in Moapa on Saturday. That night, a bunch of us went to Eye Candy at Mandalay Bay. It was a great night!Ronnie, Omar, Jeff, Nick & Brooke
Me & Nick

1 comment:

Kim J. said...

I am a little sad that I missed seeing everyone. Looks like everyone had a blast!