Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Remember how I was telling you all about apartheid-the segregation that took place here? The blacks lived in these townships that they made out of cardboard, tin, etc. After Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990, the South African government did away with apartheid. Even though they tried to do away with it, apartheid is still a really big part of the social issues here because they still live in these houses. Wages are so small, they cannot afford to go anywhere else. It's crazy because you'll see huge homes and then there will be "squatters" that just build their shacks right next to them. The South African president was just booted out of office this week because the folks that live in these townships want government housing built for them and they think a new president (Zuma) will do it for them. It's all very scandalous.

These aren't the best pictures-I took them from the car. They say it would be very dangerous for a white person to walk through there alone.

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