Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chris comes to visit!

This past weekend I finally got to meet my friend Chris. He's from GA and we work together, but have never officially met. I experienced a lot of Las Vegas firsts with Chris. I had never stopped to take the quintessential photograph: The Las Vegas sign.I'd also never been to Hash House A Go-Go. I know, I know...sacrilege. It was so awesome!After an amazing dinner, we headed to the Freemont Street Experience. I just have never made it down there. It was interesting but we had a great time with Chris and Rob. We goofed around and just had a blast! After, we went to Serendipity. This one I HAD done, but it's so good, Chris needed to experience it, too.After, we lit some incense near Caesar's.I had such an awesome time with Chris and Rob. I hope they had a good trip!