Summer's almost over and Martino (our neighbor) suggested a water war. I was really excited about's been a long time since I've filled up a water balloon. So we put together a neighborhood water war and anything was fair game. We filled up TONS of water balloons and filled our garbage cans full of them. We had water guns, too. It was so fun! We all had such a great time-I can't wait until next year. This is Luke and Cheryl: pre-war. They made shields out of cardboard that worked surprising well......maybe not that well (this is them post-war). Here are some pics of the war.That's Martino. He's such a hoot. Here's Taryn, Cheryl and I putting on our war face. I'm pretty sure there was no winner as we were all equally soaked by the end of the war. That's Taryn and Jeremy. Their kids, Cadence and Coda, were champs! They hung in there like the rest of us! Here are all the casualties of war.