Friday, October 24, 2008


OK here's the rules: Go into your picture files and post the 4th picture from the 4th folder onto your blog! Then tag 4 friends!!

Cadbury Tryouts

This picture isn't so great but it cracks me up anyway. This is Brittney's daughter (my niece) Lauren (AKA Lulu) in 2000. She's such a goof and we love her.

I got yelled at for tagging someone earlier, so I tag whoever wants to do it!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

10 Year High School Reunion

I can't believe I've been out of high school for 10 years! I'm so old! I was glad I went, I saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in a really long time. It was great to see everyone.

Me & MonicaNick, Steve, Blake & JaredAnnetta, Jean, Kassi & Nathan

I stole all these pics from Monica and Brooke. I was a big loser and didn't take any pictures....ahh the power of the internet. Our reunion was in Moapa on Saturday. That night, a bunch of us went to Eye Candy at Mandalay Bay. It was a great night!Ronnie, Omar, Jeff, Nick & Brooke
Me & Nick

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Knysna Oyster Co.

So like I mentioned earlier, I decided very early on that the Knysna Oyster Co. was a must-see. Knysna actually has an Oyster Festival each year where people from all over the world come to eat their cultivated oysters. I'm not keen on raw oysters, so we opted for deep fried...maybe that would taste better. No, not really.

Knysna Heads

One day we went to the Knysna Heads (remember that book report?). The Knysna Heads are two huge cliffs at the entrance to the lagoon. It's funny, the Indian Ocean didn't smell like the ocean we're used to. You can't smell the salt and all that. I noticed it right away. Anway, the ocean was an incredible blue.

The Knysna Heads is where the ridiculously wealthy live. It's like the Beverly Hills of Knysna. They were cool, so I had to take a pic.

The Old Coach House

After checking out the forest, we went to the Coach House. The Coach House acted as a hotel back in the olden days as it is situated right between Knysna and Plettenberg Bay and was built right next to the main road (back then-it's out in the sticks now). Travelers would stop here on their way to Knysna or Plett. Anyway, these two women that own the house use it as a place to run Eco-Ed, an educational platform for kids to learn about the environment and the natural history of the area. We went to observe some kids being taught-high school girls from Johannesburg on a 10 day science field trip (we never had those!). There are tons of trails and gullies and things that the kids have to go around to find different plants and stuff. Afterwards, they learn about different animals that are native to the area in the natural history museum.
That's Hattie teaching the kids about the fauna in the area. Afterwards, they can walk the labyrinth and take a night walk.Then they have dinner and marshmallows and hot chocolate. It was really fun (and educational-who'da thought?).

Knysna Forest

My Aunt Betti knows a really cool chick named Dominique that is a forest ranger in the Knysna forest. She took us through a tour of the forest-she knew a lot! She knew all the spots to take us. We went on top of this mountain to a place called Spitskopf (sp?). You could see forever-all the way to the ocean. It was awesome!

We also saw "The Big Tree". You're really not supposed to touch it but she gave me special permission to "hug" it.